Subscription Services

Subscription Services

The Subscription Service allows certified MBEs access to resources from other regional affiliate councils of the NMSDC network.

As of January 1, 2014, MBEs no longer need to obtain reciprocal certification to do business with a national member in another state or NMSDC region. Previously, for reciprocal services to be initiated between the home certifying Regional Minority Supplier Development Council (RMSDC) and the affiliate approached for reciprocal service, a reciprocal service form was completed using the Affiliate Portal (AP).

Now, the RMSDC will provide subscription services to certified MBEs in good standing with their home certifying affiliate. The AP is being configured to allow subscriptions to be provided to those certified MBEs who wish to receive services over and above those provided with a basic certification. The certified MBE will not have to provide proof of certification from their home certifying RMSDC.

What is a subscription?

A subscription is an agreement to receive or be given access to affiliate products or services, such as:

  • Access to top corporate purchasing agents
  • Premium business connection outings and networking events
  • Regional or industry-specific newsletters
  • Vital introductions to national corporate members
  • Specialized procurement conferences & Trade Fairs
  • Supplier Diversity summits and roundtable discussions
  • Professional development fellowships
  • Mentor-Protégé pairings and other educational or development programs
  • Technical and/or financial assistance and support

Each affiliate council will have a set of subscription services to offer certified MBEs that choose to do business in another service area.  The services will be accessed using the affiliate council website or existing AP, as either a bundle of services or on a pay-as-you go basis.  Some services will be specific to a dominant industry or will be unique to the region or market in the service area.  Other services will be based on the ability to provide specialized services, such as office rental or technology support.

The 23 NMSDC Affiliate Regional Councils will provide the following Standard Services for certified minority business enterprises (MBEs) without additional charge:

  • Certification process
  • Post-certification briefing
  • Inclusion in and access to the NMSDC supplier Database
  • Discounted fees for registration at NMSDC national events
  • Eligibility for participation in NMSDC development programs
  • Advocacy

Subscription Application and Fees

Please review and complete the subscription application here. Completed applications and required documentations should be submitted to

The fee for subscription services with the GMSDC is $500. Click here to submit your application fee.

Eligibility for subscription services

In order to qualify for subscription services, your company must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be an actively certified MBE within the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) network.
  • Must be in good financial standing with your home RMSDC at the time of the subscription service request.
  • Must be more than 60 days away from your home RMSDC certification expiration date when applying for subscription services.

Length of subscription services

A subscription service runs concurrently with your home affiliate council certification. The subscription expiration date will be the same as your home council certification expiration date. For example, if Company X is certified in Florida with FMSDC from January 30, 2022 until January 30, 2023, then the subscription expiration date in Georgia with GMSDC should also expire on the same date as the FMSDC certificate — January 30, 2023.

Timing rules for subscriptions

All MBEs are welcome to subscribe to the service at any time. However, any certified MBE requesting subscription services within 60 days of their certification expiring at their home certifying RMSDC will be asked to withhold their request until re-certification with their home certifying RMSDC is completed.

For more information

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

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