Opportunity Reimagined

Every year, the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council selects a theme that reflects our focus for 2021 and the current business climate. We are excited to announce that our theme for 2021 is Opportunity Reimagined.

The events of the past year have significantly impacted Georgia businesses, big and small. Our Corporate Partners and Minority Business Enterprises have had to make tough decisions in this difficult season, decisions that have affected people’s livelihoods, and, in some cases, the survival of their company.

As we continue to navigate through this pandemic economy, it’s clear that the way we do business has changed, and as such we must respond in a new way. At the GMSDC, we want to see our MBEs not just survive but thrive. The most important resource we can provide to our constituents is an opportunity. Our work this year will revolve around how we can put our MBEs in front of opportunities and make sure they are ready for those opportunities.

Our economy will bounce back and our community will recover together. This year, it’s important that we all support each other and collaborate for our mutual success.

2021 Pillars


Partnerships and contracts are the key to our MBEs’ survival. Now more than ever, we have to help our MBEs secure opportunities. This year we will be seeking procurement opportunities from all levels – from our corporate partners, to the governmental entities in the federal, state and local space, to even the MBEs and prime contractors. Collaboration is more important than ever this year.


We must ensure that our MBEs are at an unprecedented level of corporate readiness in 2021. First impressions still matter. If we don’t get it right the first time, there may not be a tomorrow. The GMSDC calendar of events and activities will be focused on getting our MBEs ready for that mission-critical moment when an opportunity arises.


Technology has long played an ever-increasing role in how we do business and the pandemic economy has accelerated that even more. Meetings, interviews, presentations and conferences are all virtual now, which mandates a level of sophistication that might have been optional in years past.


Kick off the year with a gift from the GMSDC. We will be shipping a gift box to our corporate partners and MBEs, while supplies last. To receive the gift, please visit our special landing page.

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