Kris Oswold is a leader in global business process design and organizational transformation. With 30 years at UPS, Kris has built a career designing and executing global organizational change. As the Vice President leading Supplier Diversity at UPS, Kris brings a process-centric, and data-driven, perspective to the role. Under her leadership, UPS has more than doubled spend with small and diverse businesses, and broadened engagement and collaboration across the UPS enterprise.
Prior to leading Supplier Diversity, Kris had responsibility to design and execute a variety of UPS processes across the globe, including all aspects of customer support, billing and account receivable operations, as well as several human resources projects. In addition to pioneering enterprise-level process design and ownership at UPS, Kris has opened and operated UPS offices in the US, Europe, Asia and Africa.
She has a BA in Political Science from the University of Washington, and is an alumni of Emory University’s Executive Education program. Kris is a member of the board of directors of WEConnect International, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, the Georgia Minority Supplier Diversity Council, and the NMSDC Business Consortium Fund.